Markets and consumers are constantly developing, and technological progress has never been so great. How an organisation earned its money...
TNXTO Kennisdag rondom de thema’s duurzame businessmodellen, marktbewerking en een klantcase
Ook in het tweede halfjaar van 2020 staat onze kennisontwikkeling niet stil! Daarom hebben we vorige week vrijdag een digitale kennisdag...
Refining your business model using online gamification
Playing a Marketing & Sales Game (M&S Game) across 6 countries, in 20 teams with 120 participants! Why? What? And how?! In this...
Back to the core in the new context
This white paper explains how to stay relevant as an organisation, in times of the pandemic COVID-19. It is based on findings from calls...
Interview with Didier Tensi (Aramark BENELUX)
In the list of interviews in honour of our 10th anniversary, Didier Tensi could not miss out. During our long-term relation we have...
How to stay connected with your customers in the social distance era
The COVID-19 crisis brought the entire world to a standstill. Governments have been pushed to take health, safety, social and economic...
TNXTO Kennisdag rondom de thema’s organisational learning, merkactivatie en VALEX
Ook in tijden van Corona staat onze kennisontwikkeling niet stil! Daarom hebben we vorige week vrijdag een digitale kennisdag...
Interview with Marco Blom (Alzheimer Nederland)
The Next Organization is celebrating its 10th birthday! A true milestone that we are very proud to have achieved. To celebrate 10 years of...
Interview with Marc Bienemann (Jaguar Land Rover Benelux)
In honor of our 10th anniversary, we had an inspiring interview with Marc Bienemann, Managing Director of Jaguar Land Rover BeNeLux. In...
Kennissessie TNXTO Groeiplatform
Bij The Next Organization houden we regelmatig kennissessies. Doel van deze kennissessies is om kennis en vaardigheden verder te...