Additional modules

Our holistic approach - guiding from strategy to implementation - leads us to develop a number of additional modules alongside our services. These extra modules are supporting products and tools during projects, but they can also be purchased separately. The extra modules include tools, master classes and programmes.


Network Business Model Canvas

Organisations are increasingly working together within networks, or ecosystems. To optimise joint value and value for each partner within the network, visibility of activities and value exchange is essential. The NBMC is a self-developed model that helps organisations make this clear, both for designing and optimising a collaboration between multiple partners.

Customer Centricity scan

The scan shows how your organisation scores on customer focus on strategic, tactical and operational level. This insight helps to optimise the customer strategy.


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Marketing & Sales Game

An interactive game taking participants into marketing and sales theory and allowing them to apply it practically. This way the participants broaden their knowledge area.


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Learning management system

Organisations have a lot of knowledge in-house and to make the best use of it, a learning management system (LMS) can come in handy. The LMS makes it possible to streamline knowledge sharing within an organisation. We tailor this tool for the customer so that it contributes to specific objectives. We also often use the tool during implementations.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

This master class covers the three phases of Customer Journey Mapping: (1) analysing and understanding customer behaviour and the current customer journey, (2) designing the desired customer journey and (3) realising and implementing the desired customer journey.


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Market and Business Intelligence

This masterclass provides insights in the phenomenon of Big Data, assesses the impact of Big Data on organisations, the opportunities it provides and how it helps companies to grow.


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Customer Journey

This master class covers the three phases of Customer Journey Mapping: (1) analysing and understanding customer behaviour and the current customer journey, (2) designing the desired customer journey and (3) realising and implementing the desired customer journey.


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Sustainable Business Model

The basis for a future-proof business model lies in creating a strong synergy between social, environmental and economic sustainability. Our Sustainable Business Model focuses on the synergy between social and economic sustainability, as well as the synergy of environmental and economic sustainability. Here, agility (agility) of the organisation a crucial role. 

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Customer Centricity Learning

The programme helps business leaders and their organisations to become a pioneer in the customer centricity domain.


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Value proposition research programme

A research programme focusing on gaining novel customer insights and creating fully customer-centric value propositions.


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