Value Proposition Research

The Value Proposition Research Programme (VPRP) is an innovative research programme that helps organisations to continuously aligning the firm’s offering with customer’s value-in-use. The programme helps organisations to build fully customer-centric value propositions, based on in-depth customer insights from every step of the Customer Journey, that contribute to improving long-term business performance.

The VPRP helps you to
become more customer centric

Organisations face challenges in today's turbulent environment.

Customer needs change continuously. This makes it for organisations hard to keep up with the latest demands and meet customer expectations. In doing so, it is a challenge for organisations to always understand customers’ needs and fit their offering accordingly.


Value-in-use as the key concept for building a future-proof and customer-oriented proposition.
Value-in-use helps organisations overcoming such challenges. It is the value customers create while using a firm’s offering and seen as the latest and most customer-centric view on customer value. By focusing on the customer and acknowledging that customers are the ones that create value, organisations position themselves around their customers meaning they automatically become more customer-centric. Besides that, looking at customer needs from a value-in-use perspective leads to greater and deeper insights. This forms the core of successful, future-proof, customer-centric value propositions.Β 


A tailor-made programme that takes you further.
We have created the VPRP to give organisations the opportunity to learn about value-in-use and to create fit-for-future propositions. The fundament is based on state-of-the-art academic research that is developed together with the University of Twente. The programme invites and involves well-known, industry leading, companies that share their field experience. This creates valuable combination for theory and practice.

The VPRP can be specifically tailored to your needs and is designed with a pragmatic and co-creation set-up. Through a combination of inspiration sessions and workshops, you gain precious insights about value-in-use that helps you to directly improve your own value propositions. You will be guided through the programme by our hosting experts.

Organisations face challenges in today’s turbulent environment
Customer needs change continuously. This makes it for organisations hard to keep up with the latest demands and meet customer expectations. In doing so, it is a challenge for organisations to always understand customers’ needs and fit their offering accordingly.

Value-in-use as a key concept to build a future-proof and customer-centric proposition
Value-in-use helps organisations overcoming such challenges. It is the value customers create while using a firm’s offering and seen as the latest and most customer-centric view on customer value. By focusing on the customer and acknowledging that customers are the ones that create value, organisations position themselves around their customers meaning they automatically become more customer-centric. Besides that, looking at customer needs from a value-in-use perspective leads to greater and deeper insights. This forms the core of successful, future-proof, customer-centric value propositions.

A tailor-made programme that takes you further
We have created the VPRP to give organisations the opportunity to learn about value-in-use and to create fit-for-future propositions. The fundament is based on state-of-the-art academic research that is developed together with the University of Twente. The programme invites and involves well-known, industry leading, companies that share their field experience. This creates valuable combination for theory and practice.

The VPRP can be specifically tailored to your needs and is designed with a pragmatic and co-creation set-up. Through a combination of inspiration sessions and workshops, you gain precious insights about value-in-use that helps you to directly improve your own value propositions. You will be guided through the programme by our hosting experts.

The phases and activities
of the programme.

Phase 1 is all about inspiration in paradigm shift. During this phase we teach participants more about paradigm shift marketing, inspire them with relevant theories, define a clear scope and identify improvement opportunities.

Phase 2 focuses on the value proposition based on value-in-use. During this phase we focus on customer centricity and better understanding the value-in-use of the customer. This leads to new and more in-depth customer insights. We translate these customer insights into an improved, resonating value proposition.


Acquire state-of-the-art knowledge and insights, shared by our experts.


Learn from and share challenges with peers in the industry.


Work together with the team on improvements within your organisation in a pragmatic way.


Apply the improvements and become more customer-centric with your organisation and team!

and learnings.

New and more in depth insights

  • Value-in-use deepens your customer-centric thinking
  • Insight that value creation starts in the 'sales process'
  • Richer palette of key stakeholders at every stage of the customer journey
  • Usage value triggers segmentations and propositions

Full value-in-use value proposition

  • Value-in-use offering: providing customers with long-term solutions instead of one-off solutions
  • Customer is prepared to invest in preferred suppliers: increase the value (experience) for the customer

Customer-centric service organisation

  • View sales as a service
  • Ensure continuous adaptation: e.g. from hardware to software, to comprehensive service
  • Be a partner-in-business and pioneer in the industry

New and more in depth insights

  • Value-in-use deepens your customer-centric thinking
  • Insight that value creation starts in the 'sales process'
  • Richer palette of key stakeholders at every stage of the customer journey
  • Usage value triggers segmentations and propositions

Full value-in-use value proposition

  • Value-in-use offering: providing customers with long-term solutions instead of one-off solutions
  • Customer is prepared to invest in preferred suppliers: increase the value (experience) for the customer

Customer-centric service organisation

  • View sales as a service
  • Ensure continuous adaptation: e.g. from hardware to software, to comprehensive service
  • Be a partner-in-business and pioneer in the industry


Be part of the consortium!

The Value Proposition Research Programme is initiated and developed by The Next Organization and supported by the University of Twente. Organisations from different industries participate.

Are you interested in becoming part of the consortium? Or, would you like to know more? Please get in touch.

Initiated & organised by

Already part of the consortium

Parties involved

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