By Tim Vellema The world is becoming increasingly complex. As a result, organisations and consumers do not want to be distracted by...
Het effect van een snel veranderende wereld op de organisatie
Resultaten van de Future Talks-poll zomereditie 2021 In de aanloop naar de zomer heeft een groep van onze c-level deelnemers aan Future...
Inclusiviteit als onderdeel van een toekomstbestendig businessmodel
Is het businessmodel van jouw organisatie al klaar voor de toekomst? Wat betekent het eigenlijk als je businessmodel model klaar voor de...
Offering Customer Value Through Marketing
Today’s marketing is mainly about makings choices. One of the reasons for this is the rise of digital marketing, which not only increases...
TNXTOutlook 2021 – The future of businesses and institutions
2021: a year that will be in the theme of Radical transformation. Whether we think about the future of the environment and nature,...
Creating a motivational workplace; a three-level guideline to hybrid working
From the office to home to hybrid workingWith the emergence of COVID-19 last year, offices worldwide had to close their doors. To ensure...
Terug naar het nieuwe normaal
Verwacht men dat het nieuwe normaal hetzelfde, lichtelijk anders of compleet anders eruit gaat zien? Wanneer men verandering verwacht, wat...
The innovative revenue model of the day after tomorrow
Markets and consumers are constantly developing, and technological progress has never been so great. How an organisation earned its money...
Refining your business model using online gamification
Playing a Marketing & Sales Game (M&S Game) across 6 countries, in 20 teams with 120 participants! Why? What? And how?! In this...
Back to the core in the new context
This white paper explains how to stay relevant as an organisation, in times of the pandemic COVID-19. It is based on findings from calls...